Hannah & Sebastian’s Polterabend
When & where is it?
On April 1st 2023 we will be hosting our Polterabend in Germany! Start time is 6pm and it finishes in the early morning. It will be celebrated at Massenheimer Weg 25, 61352 Bad Homburg, Germany.
What is it?
Polterabend is a German wedding custom in which, a few days or weeks before the wedding, the guests break porcelain to bring luck to the couple’s marriage. The belief in the effectiveness of this custom is expressed by the old adage: “Shards bring luck” (German: Scherben bringen Glück). Guests aren’t formally invited. Instead word spreads via word of mouth, and those with a desire to show up may do so. Something to eat and/or drink is arranged. Guests usually bring their wedding presents to the Polterabend instead of the actual wedding, although this differs on region. The actual high point of the custom is the throwing onto the ground of porcelain that has been brought by guests. However, stoneware, flowerpots or ceramics such as tiles, sinks and toilet bowls are also happily thrown items. Metal objects such as tin cans and bottle tops are brought along to the festivities. Glass is not broken because for some glass symbolises happiness. Mirrors should not be broken due to the old superstition that breaking a mirror will bring seven years of bad luck, in addition to the good things – or the lack thereof – in the breaker’s and/or breakee’s past. The couple must thereafter take care of cleaning up the pile of shards. This is supposed to make the couple aware that they will have to suffer together through difficult conditions and situations in life.
Dress Code: Casual